Out of the Mattress Logo

We put immigrants in control of their finances

Our practical, accessible personal finance course helps immigrants break the cycle of living paycheck-to-paycheck and control their financial futures.

Our Vision

Financial security for every immigrant in the U.S.

We believe every immigrant deserves the chance to build a secure financial future for themselves and their families.

At Out of the Mattress, we’re working towards a reality where immigrants have the financial skills to plan ahead, fulfill their aspirations, and thrive in their new home.

The Challenge

Navigating finances in a new country with no map

With no credit, it’s hard to get set up. High living costs and family obligations back home can make saving seem impossible.

Seeing people who grew up in the U.S. so far ahead, it’s easy to lose hope. And with serious gaps in the existing personal finance courses, even building a budget is a major hurdle.

Our Theory of Change

Lasting wealth through free, practical finance education

Most financial education doesn’t reflect immigrants’ reality. That’s why we offer free, practical courses that respect diverse cultural traditions and expectations.

We meet immigrants where they are to help them reframe limiting beliefs and master the tools to build lasting wealth.